Safari Project

Description: First we created red light glasses using paper cutouts and red see-through plastic. Then we learned about upside-down drawing and we copied a picture of an animal that way. We drew the animal in light blue colored pencils.  I liked drawing in the upside-down way because it helped me focus on coping the lines better instead of the whole animal. We then covered the drawing in multiple layers of patterns made up of different warm colors like red, orange, and yellow so that the original drawing was hidden. When you wear the glasses that we created and the beginning of the lesson, the animal is magically revealed because the cool colors stand out! Las we made a note card with three hints about the hidden animal on it.

Extension Activity: The teacher could create 4 or 5 of these hidden images and put them on the walls of the classroom with the hints under them. You can do this when students are learning about the difference between birds, mammals, and fish. The students would have to go around the room and try to find out what the animals are based on the facts on the notecards, and then at the end, they all get to wear the glasses and see if they were right.


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