Printmaking flower project

Description: For this lesson, we used square pieces of Styrofoam to do printmaking. To make the design of a flower we used pencils to draw flowers onto the Styrofoam. Each student made their own flower design and chose their own paint color. I was teaching this lesson and one thing that some students struggled with was using too much paint so it would get into the crevices of the flower design when you rolled it on. Once the flower was ready students could press them onto their paper. Next Students moved from station to station pressing all of the other designs onto their paper. The vase was made by taking a piece of construction paper and folding it in half to create a shape and then cutting it out. The last steps were to glue the vase under the flowers, decorate it, and draw stems connecting the flowers.

Extension Activity: Something that could go along with this lesson is a lesson about diversity. This art project is a collection of different parts made by all of the classmates to make something beautiful. You could do this lesson during black history month or any other time that the school is talking about inclusion and diversity.


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